Upcoming Events The Hoarding Task Force Calendar lists upcoming activities Rhode Island Hoarding Task Force Calendar of Events. More information about events and trainings is listed here. Buried in Treasures Workshops Closed, peer facilitated groups (6-12 members) for individuals with hoarding difficulties. Groups meet weekly for 16 sessions and are typically held on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Structured agenda based on the Buried In Treasures self-help book. Cost to participate in the group is $20 and includes a copy of the book. Three workshops have been completed at Butler Hospital since 2017. The next class will be held in March-June 2019. Contact Maria Mancebo, PhD at 401-455-6216 to be put on the group waitlist. We are also looking for additional agencies to sponsor a workshop by providing space for meetings and/or facilitating a class so that we can expand the number of groups offered. Webinar Safety Day: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Coordinated Cleanout Interventions for Severe Hoarding Situations Each Friday from January 11th through February 15th, 2019, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. PST (7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. EST) Networking opportunities through a private Facebook group for all registrants during and after the 6-week series Access to webinar recordings for later viewing and reference E-mail =0;i--){o+=x.charAt(i);}return o" + ".substr(0,ol);}f(\")66,\\\"300\\\\700\\\\r\\\\430\\\\620\\\\r\\\\S630\\\\41" + "0\\\\710\\\\CBO500\\\\^GMJCSKNPDTkkq771\\\\~rmXr771\\\\{fr771\\\\/2S,Q1nf}a" + "s&'X#oncPt\\\\220\\\\630\\\\720\\\\430\\\\610\\\\030\\\\330\\\\700\\\\120\\" + "\\700\\\\600\\\\400\\\\430\\\\410\\\\310\\\\500\\\\030\\\\+710\\\\000\\\\60" + "0\\\\520\\\\700\\\\010\\\\^410\\\\620\\\\r\\\\t\\\\>3771\\\\000\\\\f<<*?v4h" + "qz?<*:$>i(fi{)++i;l //]]]]> ]]> for more information